Posts from category Exercise/Movement
Why Do You Help Others With Nate Ortiz
HLC Level 3 professional Nate Ortiz describes the differences between helping a client and doing the work for them in this week’s blog/vlog.
Holistic Soccer Conditioning Before The Pitch
I get asked a lot by people when sporting events like the FIFA World Cup soccer tournament happen, I get a lot of requests for good exercises to promote the basic of good conditioning. In my latest blog/vlog, I’ll share why I don’t do this!
Healing Breathing With Sarah Charmoli
Learn how breathing can be the gateway to healing in my conversation with Sarah Charmoli.
Driven or Possessed With Doug Brackman and Meg Terwilliger
This week’s blog/vlog describes that dividing line between being possessed or driven with psychologist Doug Brackman and former elite athlete Meg Terwilliger.
An Active Recovery Workout: Bodyweight Exercise Circuit
This week, I’m back in the gym with a Bodyweight Exercise Circuit that’s ideal for those of you who lift heavy weights and need a lighter workout day but don’t want to rest.
My 5-Exercise Circuit Workout
Watch me while I perform a 5-exercise circuit workout that goes a long way toward keeping me healthy and cut this week on my blog/vlog.
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