Becoming Whole with the C.H.E.K Institute
Happy Tuesday,
I hope you are all happy and well, and that you enjoyed my podcast with Aubrey Marcus, CEO of Onnit. Thanks to all of you who sent such beautiful, amazing and inspiring feedback about your experiences watching or listening to our podcast. If you missed this podcast –- the deepest interview I’ve done to date –- you can watch the video of Aubrey and me here or listen to the audio here.
We’ve had some amazing students in some amazing courses at the C.H.E.K Institute and around the world lately.
HLC 2 with Warren Williams Nov. 15-19 in Lancashire, U.K.
I missed mentioning this class in my previous blog about course completions, so apologies to Warren and congratulations to his Holistic Lifestyle Coach (HLC) students on attending the class!
HLC 2 with Angie Chek Nov. 29-Dec. 3 in Carlsbad, Calif.
Angie recently taught CHEK HLC Level 2 at the C.H.E.K Institute in Carlsbad, Calif., with a lovely group of intelligent, motivated students. Angie had a lot of fun teaching and assisting them in their personal, professional and spiritual growth.
I dropped in on the last day to share an hour of dialogue with students and really enjoyed them. They also got to visit with Mana each day, and Maggie (Angie’s pug) was the class mascot. She made sure each student felt loved, and let everyone know when it was time for her (and them) to go home!
Thanks to all of you for attending HLC 2. Angie and I feel very grateful that you chose us as your teachers and guides at this time in your lives. We are also grateful to know you are helping people and the world by sharing your love, passion and commitment to holistic living.
HLC 3 with Paul and Angie Chek Dec. 5-10 in Carlsbad, Calif.
Angie and I taught an amazing group of HLC 3 students at the C.H.E.K Institute recently.
We covered a LOT of ground in just six days together.
They were really into it all and had fun learning infant development, assessing organ and gland reflex pathways, learning about the life process, medical dowsing and more.
We finished our training together with the 5 Animal Frolics from Chinese medicine. They loved this form of spontaneous, free-flowing exercise, and all of them felt invigorated afterwards too!
Foldenmove workshop during HLC 3 with Jessica Gabrielli
Jessica Gabrielli is an amazing C.H.E.K Professional who has developed a beautiful system that integrates movement, breathing, heart-centered intention and art as one amazing experience!
I got wind of her new system a few months ago, so I looked at her website and was very impressed. Most of you know I’m big on mixing art and exercise. What I wasn’t aware of was the fact that Jessica would be in my HLC 3 class and I’d get to meet her and experience her amazing “Foldenmove” method in person.
The students who joined Jessica, Angie and me all had amazing experiences. It was really a “core experience” to see our individual art after going through the Foldenmove process. I felt like my art was a very good expression of me.
We were all blown away with Jessica’s attention to detail, her conscious teaching style and how powerful movement, breathing, creativity, color and artistic expression go together.
I predict Jessica will be a powerful healing force in the world, and that it won’t be long before Foldenmove will be well known and practiced by everyone from children to the elderly.
Great work Jessica! Thanks for the lovely experiences you shared with us at HLC 3!
Learn more about Foldenmove by visiting
Mike Salemi gets another Masters Certification in Russian Kettlebell’s Biathlon event!

Mike in full competition mode
I know you are probably use to me bragging about Mike Salemi, if you’ve followed my blogs. So, what do you do with a guy who is a true Master Athlete, and is an amazing example of what an athlete can be!
Mike recently went to the Deck the Bells event in San Diego and collected another Russian Masters title in the very grueling Biathlon Event, becoming the fifth American ever to achieve this ranking!
Mike also coaches Stephanie Obregozo (C.H.E.K Practitioner Level 3 and HLC 2) and Ada Wong (CHEK Exercise Coach and HLC 1) who did great too! Ada kicked ass as usual (she’s the female version of Mike Salemi)! I’m very proud of Ada and Stephanie. They are excellent examples of female athletes who really demonstrate the C.H.E.K principles live and in color every day.
I asked Mike if he could send me a recap of the Deck The Bells event to share with you, and here it is:
I had an amazing time competing in San Diego recently. Deck the Bells was an excellently run event led by KOR Strength & Conditioning, and hosted by the WeckMethod. All of the teams and lifters who participated put their heart and souls into their sets, which was amazing to be a part of.
As the first time ever competing in an event called Biathlon, 10 minutes of double 32kg unbroken jerks plus 10 minutes of a single-arm 32kg snatch (with one-hand switch), I thoroughly enjoyed the road leading up to the comp. In the Jerk, I competed alongside two great guys and lifters, Jason Dolby and Tony Dyrek. On the Snatch, 8x World Champion Denis Vasiliev also joined in and completed over 180 snatches at 32kg! I am still learning so much about the Kettlebell sport. Biathlon training has been humbling, and simultaneously very exciting, as I’ve been learning lots of great elements from Coach Denis.
As for results, I squeezed out enough repetitions to reach the ranking of Master of Sport in this event with 110 total points (72 Jerks, and 77 snatches). It was an incredible feeling to hold this ranking now in both the Long Cycle and Biathlon, two of the classic Kettlebell Sport categories.
Additionally, both of my athletes did fantastic! Stefanie Obregozo competed for the first time in the 10-minute Long Cycle event. Ada Wong also crushed her double kettlebell jerk set! Both ladies embrace the “train hard, rest hard,” CHEK philosophy, and are not only great lifters, but a real joy to work with. Their performances topped of the day in a great way.
Now it’s time for some good ‘ol Dr. Quiet and extra play time!
Thanks Mike! Thanks Stephanie and Ada!
If you want to learn more about Mike Salemi and his amazing kettlebell training programs, or download his new ebook, visit
I hope you’ve enjoyed my blog today!
I have a very exciting announcement I’ll be sharing in the next couple of days, so keep your eyes out for my next blog!
Love and chi,
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