December 29, 2022

Playing the Game of Life With Charles Eisenstein

Playing the Game of Life With Charles EisensteinHappy Friday!

Your ability to grow and thrive in the game of life is governed by how well you play it with others.

All of us are humans. We need each other now more than ever, especially if we are to protect Mother Nature from further harm.

Without Mother Nature, we will lose a golden opportunity to experience a wonderful life, full of love…

Time is running out for the human race to realize once and for all that how we’re living and spending our dollars is no longer working. To recognize that we’re destroying the foundation of the game board of our lives bit by bit.

So, where do we begin?

I believe that starts by understanding the four Rs, as Jeremy Lent describes them in his recent and very awesome book, The Web of Meaning: Integrating Science and Traditional Wisdom to Find Our Place in Life.

  • Relationship
  • Responsibility
  • Reciprocity
  • Redistribution

I posed this question during my recent Living 4D conversation with author and counter-cultural philosopher Charles Eisenstein.

Charles’ answer and what leads up to it forms the basis of a very potent and thoughtful blog/vlog that I urge you to absorb in its entirety and share if you feel led to do so.



If you enjoy this brief excerpt, I encourage you to listen my full Living 4D conversation with Charles Eisenstein. It’s one of the more insightful podcasts that I have done so far, and that’s saying something having recording more than 200 of them!

Love and chi,
