February 1, 2010

A Cause Worthy of Support!

Hi All,

Paul Chek here. I suspect you are as proud and amazed with the Killi Team as I am! What an amazing statement of possibility and personal integrity Erica and Tara have made being the first handicapped females to summit the mountain!

We entered this project with hope that you would all be willing to support a mission that shows all the other handicapped people of the world that there is no need to accept their limitation as a limitation. Tara and Erica certainly could make excuses about why they couldn’t climb even a little mountain, let alone one of the biggest mountains in the world! The entire team have made significant contributions: Derek originated the idea of the charity event; Penny (my beautiful soul-mate) who aided immensely in organization, coaching and motivation; myself who provided hours of assessment and coaching to get everyone in shape; the amazing film crew who gave their services and were brave enough to take the challenge themselves to not only climb Killi, but to film the whole event; And all the sponsors and others that have made donations to help the event take place.

If there is any way you can help us with a donation, we and the challenged athletes foundation would be most grateful! We have amassed thousands of dollars in debt to make the event happen, even after we all gave what we could without putting ourselves at risk. Our dream is to use your support to help cover the costs of the trip and finish the documentary movie with the film crew so we can continue to share the dream of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual independence and freedom with people facing life altering challenges around the world.

We all entered into the project without any expectation of financial gain and with the hopes that the world would share the love with us so we can show everyone how to weave dreams and live them. If you agree with us and are willing to participate in sharing a message of hope and possibility for all people facing real challenges that often alter one’s hopes, we would be very grateful for your support.

This project is one in which we all participate in world-healing. This project is one in which missing legs and damaged spinal cords become opportunities for growth and development, which leads to sharing experiences of possibility with others. Though the team has summited and are on their way down now, we need your help to finish the documentary and get it out to people. As I’m sure you know, this kind of production is expensive, but the message is important.

We thank you from our hearts for sharing in a Hope-Offering for challenged souls all over the world! Thank you so much for clicking on this link and making any donation that leaves your heart warm.

Love and chi,

Paul Chek

Founder, C.H.E.K Institute