June, 2022
Wounded Healers in Training with Paul Levy
Discover the wisdom you’ll receive as a wounded healer in this latest blog/vlog, an excerpt from my recent Living 4D conversation with Paul Levy.
Differences in Western and Eastern Astrology with Ernst Wilhelm
Learn about different flavors of astrology based on different interpretations of the Zodiac in this week’s blog/vlog conversation with Ernst Wilhelm.
Why Do We Outsource Our Personal Power with Kelly Brogan
Learn how we can work separately or together to change the rules of the game, the subject of this excerpt from my recent Living 4D conversation with Dr. Kelly Brogan.
Astrology is Never at Fault With Ernst Wilhelm
Is the validity of astrology solely based on the accuracy of predictions at the time they’re made? Learn why it’s far more important to get what you need rather than what you want as I talk to Vedic Astrologer Ernst Wilhelm.
Creating Core Harmony
Learn more about the benefits of the Core Harmonizer, a unit designed to create a coherent, harmonious field via sacred nested geometries, coherent frequency-based music and light.
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