July, 2013
Quiet Births Movement
Happy Wednesday to You! I had a great, and much need day of rest at home yesterday. It has been a very busy year for the institute and me so far, so rest is cherished when I can take it. […]
Dr. Quiet Meets Dr. Movement in Heaven
Happy Monday! I hope you all had a lovely weekend! I have been working with my client, Jason each day since Friday, and today is our last day of our focused 4 Doctor mastery training. My buddy Rory is here […]
The World Soul
Happy Friday! I hope your weekend has begun, or is about to begin. I will be working with a client for the next four days, but this client is one of the best students I’ve ever worked with, so it […]
Dr. Quiet and Peace Points ~*~
Happy Thursday to You! Today, I’m taking a much-needed day off. My plan is simply to have no plan. I’m looking forward to spending time with my fruit trees, watering our plants, doing some art, reading, and having a sauna […]
There Is Nothing Outside of Us ~*~
Happy Tuesday! I had a very busy day yesterday, and today is a full day too. I hope you all had a productive day Monday as well. Today, I share Arnold Patent’s Universal Principle number 4: There Is Nothing Outside […]
Dr. Quiet is Chief Physician!
Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend! I’ve been very busy for some time now and am happy my schedule is slowing a little bit because I can hear Dr. Quiet calling me in the daytime; this […]
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