April, 2011
How Life Works: BIOCHEMISTRY ~*~
Hello! I hope you’ve been enjoying our series thus far and that you’ve been doing the exercises so you don’t fall into the dangerous trap of the “I Know” mind! Today, I’ll talk a little about a very complex topic, […]
How Life Works: EMOTION ~*~
Hello! Yesterday Donal and Cathy Carr and their kids and I drove up to Myall Shores, a beautiful eco-resort just north of Sydney. I start teaching HLC2 today and I’m looking forward to meeting my new students! I hope you […]
How Life Works – MIND ~*~
Good Day! I arrived in OZ actually feeling pretty good. I slept at least 8 hours on the plane and I’m really enjoying my stay with Donal and Cathy Carr. We went to the beach and I taught everyone how […]
Hello and Happy Earth Day! I hope you get outside and connect with the mother for all her nurturing love today. Yesterday, I spent the day at home resting in preparation to fly to Sydney later today. As is often […]
Hello! I hope you are all in well-being. It is my dream that you found some solace in gaining a better understanding of how the mind becomes active due to the differential or polarity created when there is a gap […]
A Beautiful Day To You! Last night I had my first eight-hour sleep since l left for England. Lovely indeed! It’s amazing how powerful a healer sleep is!and its free! I just put the finishing touches on the plan for […]
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