December, 2010

  • The MARRIAGE of BODY and SPIRIT ~*~

    The MARRIAGE of BODY and SPIRIT ~*~

    Good Day and I hope you are living your Dreams today! You’ve heard me talk about it and write about it, and during this season where there is a lot of talk about the “Spirit” of the Holidays, I wanted […]

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  • Who’s EATING Whom?

    Who’s EATING Whom?

    Hello and beautiful day! Every living thing/being wants to live. To live is to breathe; to breathe is to consume. All that lives and breathes must consume. All that is consumed becomes the substance of creation and creativity. The little […]

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    Good morning everyone! For some, the mirror is hard to look at; even harder to say, “I love you!” Yet, I ask you, “are we avoiding the truth of our free-will?” We can choose to ignore the fact that we […]

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  • The Marriage of Body and Mind

    The Marriage of Body and Mind

    Greetings, Nice to be with you again today! I drew this mandala as a means of stress management while teaching in Australia in January, 2006. The poem below it reads: Thank You Dear Sun, Dear Seed, and Dear Flower, For […]

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  • Surfing MIND~BODY~SOUL

    Surfing MIND~BODY~SOUL

    Hello and good morning! Many do not realize, but we are all taking surfing lessons every day! You may not like water, yet, you are soaking wet inside! You may not like your neighbor, yet, they have presence in your […]

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  • Feeling LOVE~*~

    Feeling LOVE~*~

    Good and Happy Day! When we kiss another, there is a moment where two become one. When we kiss another, there is a moment we can loose our “self”, and in the other, find our SELF. When we breathe each […]

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