November, 2009
Peace in The Water
I recently did two interviews with my good friend Chip Richards who will post one interview on, and will post the other one, focusing on my TAO-TE-zen program for the students in his self-growth program called Moving Mountains: A […]
100+ at HLC 1
I love Australia because the people here are very eager to apply and live my teachings. I started teaching HLC1 today to over 100 students! I feel so grateful to be able to share my love with ALL. Here I’m […]
Sci Shoulder & Stretching in Sydney
It seems like the weeks are rolling by here in beautiful Sydney, each weekend I’m teaching and so my days off are sporadic! This past Friday I taught Scientific Shoulder to 83 students here at the Easts Center in Bondi […]
BIG Dragon Little Dragon Breathing
I love Donal and Cathy’s kids Ryan and Josh. I had the opportunity to work a bit with Ryan helping him to turn around his inverted breathing pattern and re-establish core control. Children, like adults can develop and inverted breathing […]
PPS Master of Self Students
What a great class! Thank you for sharing so generously and showing me what willingness to master your Self looks like. Remember it is “I” before “WE”. May you all continue to touch the lives of ALL with love. There […]
How to Master Self! in Sydney!
I love my PPS Program and when I have the opportunity to actually meet my students in differing parts of the world I am gratified to see them waking up and making a difference no matter their profession or status […]
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