July 11, 2016

LOVE As First Principle

Happy Monday!

I hope you are surfing the natural ups-and-downs of life like Laird Hamilton surfs the Big waves!

Today in my blog, I will share:
1. LOVE As First Principle – my vlog (26:00 viewing time)
2. CHEK Advanced Training Program Completions
3. Common Compensatory Pattern in Clinical Medicine, by Dr. Cass Ingram
4. Show-N-Tell With Paul

LOVE As First Principle

“Love is Consciousness becoming aware of itself.”
–Paul Chek

My vlog today is an exploration of “First Principle” living.

In this 26:00 vlog, I share the importance of realizing what your First Principle is, and why becoming conscious of this is enough to fully live it.

I show that each of the examples of First Principle isn’t essentially better than the other, for they are all interrelated; once you get to Unconditional Love, you are the circle, therefore, you are all possible first principles exemplified in wholeness.

Love As First Principle Blk Bd

Here is a summary of my presentation:

FP1: UCL: Love is all there is:
Any perceived limitations are the work of spirit; a means of self-embodied worship – of self-reflection, growing grace, praise and acceptance of All.

FP2: Love as the world or Universe:
Agnostic or Atheist, the World (inclusive of universe) is All we have and know for sure, for science tells us so.

In its healthy state, there is a love of Nature, and ALL that She is; that which we depend upon for our very existence: earth, water, fire and air.

This love unfolded, engages in “nurture,” — and in its healthy form, does not defile nature.

FP3: Love as We:
Ethnocentric = “my people,” loves, nurtures, grows and supports its own as family, tribe, and community, and matures or awakens to see “other groups” as essential to its own survival.

FP4: Love as I:
Ego (self) centered and loves “self”. It cares for and nurtures itself and does not defile itself.
‘I’ Love grows to experience “We” as essential for its own existence and comes to understand itself as co-dependent upon the Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space.

Nature becomes the essential loving mother.


“Love is the flow of energy and information through empathic and compassionate connection to self and/or other.”
–Paul Chek

Through this love, consciousness becomes aware of itself.

Each expression of 1st Principle is as a child, and to love without awareness of the child is to abuse the sapling that is itself, the Tree of Life.

Enjoy the vlog:

The Last 4 Doctors You’ll Ever Need – multimedia e-book
The 1234 Of Overcoming Addiction Obesity and Disease – MP3 Audio + Workbook program
HLC1 online or 3-Day live Course
CHEK 4 Quadrant Mastery Coaching Workshop: San Diego, CA, September 15-18

CHEK Advanced Training Completions

Exercise Coach, London with Leigh Brandon

Big congratulations to those of you who just completed CHEK Exercise Coach training with Leigh Brandon in the UK!

I’m always excited to know our students are in the hands of a teacher as skilled and experienced at the craft of health and performance as Leigh Brandon, and I bet you were all excited to be taught by a master too!

We have some fantastic learning opportunities for you through the C.H.E.K Institute Monthly Webinar Series.

July 27, CHEK Mentor, Warren Wiliams will be discussing how the Chakra System is one of the main drivers to pain and dysfunction. You can learn more by clicking here: https://chekinstitute.com/chek-monthly-webinar-series/

Common Compensatory Pattern in Clinical Medicine, by Dr. Cass Ingram

Dr. Ingram is a long-time personal friend of mine, and one of the health experts I really trust.

He is the creator of Oregonol P73, and many other amazing health products and books. For those of you wanting to learn from a very skilled teacher and Master of Holistic Health, you may enjoy this course offering in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada:

Dr. Cass Ingram’s 
Common Compensatory Patterns 
in Clinical Medicine – Seminar July 16, 2016

Toronto, ON
, Hampton Inn & Suites
, 3279 Caroga Drive, Mississauga,
 Ontario, L4V1A3, Canada

What will be covered in this workshop:

The Common Compensatory Pattern (CCP), originated by J. Gordon Zink DO, is an 
ideal tool for full body manipulative medicine
* history and development
* repeatable pattern
* as a diagnostic tool
* as a treatment tool
* as a tool to mobilize venous & lymphatic congestion
* as the key to eliminate structural pain.

Hands on Lab: find the pattern, then fix it
quick-velocity, low-amplitude manipulative medicine
techniques for the CCP.

Special techniques for the treatment of the neck and upper
thoracic region with low amplitude technique
Lab on refining low amplitude manipulation techniques

Muscle energy techniques for the CCP (psoas, piriformis, other) plus lab.

Natural cures for intervention in inflammatory disorders,
i ncluding Lyme: topical and internal glandular issues.

Cost of the Seminar: $250

To register: Please email [email protected] today and to receive further details about the course.

Or sign up online now to get a $50 discount https://www.cassingram.com/product/dr-cass-ingrams-common-compensatory-pattern-clinical-medicine-course/

The CCP is a platform for diagnosing all structural imbalances of the axial skeleton- from the occiput to the sacrum.

Show-N-Tell With Paul

I spent the latter part of last week finishing the filming of my CHEK 4 Quadrant online Course. I feel very good about the course and am excited to see it finished and online for my students.

Well, I finally had the time, and inner-stillness to finish my painting titled “Conjunctio”, which means “Union”.

Conjunctio by Paul Chek 7-10-16

It symbolizes the union of the male and female energies within ourselves, producing the unifying experience of being One with All that IS.

Thank you to Eleiko, our equipment sponsor for sending this lovely outfit for Mana.


He really “fits it” in every way!

I have the greatest time taking Mana for walks with Angie, Penny, and Maggie.


Mana loves his new sunglasses Angie got for him; his new little eyes don’t like the bright sunlight, but he can enjoy the brightness with them, which is great.

Mana and Maggie Independence day
Angie and Penny had a great time doing a little Fourth Of July photo shoot with Mana and Maggie. They both love being on camera, and its fun to capture these special moments together.

Angie got her little kids pool out she usually uses for Maggie to play in and shares some water time with Mana on hot days.


He absolutely loves the water. We can’t wait to get him into swimming lessons for infants.

Personally, I think swimming is an essential skill for children. My father drowned when I was eight years old, so I got a painful awareness of the importance of learning to swim and be confident of yourself in the water.

I want to be sure Mana feels confident in the water too.

I hope you’ve enjoyed my blog today, and that you have a lovely week!

Love and chi,
Paul Chek